Dota 3 is out (well, almost) - the game's biggest ever patch, 7.33 New Horizons, has been released.

1 year ago

Briefly about the changes:

- The game map has become 40% larger;
- There are new mini-bosses "Tormentors" that do not attack themselves, but return part of the damage received. They drop a shard or gold and experience;
- Roshan now has two lairs, between which he moves depending on the time of day;
- Added portals on the sidelines, between which you can move with a three-second delay;
- New type of heroes "Universal" - they do not have the main attribute, but they receive bonuses to attack from all attributes at once;
- New Glicko rating system (like in CS or chess), all players are waiting for calibration.

Time to uncover your 3K MMP accounts.

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