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Apr 10th - Apr 23rd (Audio)

1 year ago

[00:00:00] Christianity as a 'natural religion'? (Bruce Charlton)

[00:04:33] Explaining demonic spirits and the damned souls; as the consequence of choices related to love, mortal incarnate life/ entropy/ death, and resurrection (Bruce Charlton)

[00:10:54] Anamnesis in relation to Jesus - is this a germ of truth in Gnosticism? (Bruce Charlton)

[00:12:24] Theosis and Salvation - the reason and the choice (Bruce Charlton)

[00:13:20] Male and Female Created He Them (William Wildblood)

[00:19:38] Where are 'other worlds' located? The 'mental block' of modern consciousness. (Bruce Charlton)

[00:25:30] How we make our 'luck' - individually and socially (Bruce Charlton)

[00:33:02] Embrace the simple-clear positive; eschew the complex double-negative (Bruce Charlton)

[00:39:39] What is a Man, What a Woman? (William Wildblood)

[00:42:03] When Mens' core motivations are defective... (Bruce Charlton)

[00:46:48] Temptations in responding to the oppressions of here-and-now evil (Bruce Charlton)

[00:52:23] The Reality of the Spiritual World (William Wildblood)

[01:01:29] Christianity and self-gratification - is it a guide to goodness, or an evil-manipulation (Bruce Charlton)


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