Acts | Pt 2 - Power Of Being | Pastor Jackson Lahmeyer

1 year ago


Acts 1:9-11
We have a promise
Jesus is coming back
Wednesday = Revelation 19
#1 addressed subject in the Bible = Faith
#2 addressed subject in the Bible = 2nd Coming of Jesus (1,854x)
For every mention of the 1st Coming there are 8 mentions of the 2nd Coming
Revelation 19:7-9
Marriage supper of the ________?
Lamb 29x
Marriage In The ANE
1. The Betrothal
Typically arranged marriage
Marriage contract between the 2 Fathers (covenant = contract)
Dowry was paid = 1 years wage (did not enter the marriage lightly)
Dowry was for protection of the bride
Only way to end the engagement was written decree of divorce
Considered legally married but not sexual union
During the Betrothal the groom would go away for around a year to build on to his father's house
Groom was exempt from military service
2. The Presentation
Bridegroom would return for the bride
Groom would leave his home were the new addition was complete and travel to his bride's home were the bridesmaids would be on the lookout for him
Upon arrival the groom would claim his bride
Jesus tells a parable about the 10 virgins (bridesmaids)
3. The Ceremony
Wedding Banquet
7 day celebration
1st miracle of Jesus came during a wedding banquet
During the wedding banquet the bride and groom would come together in the sexual union
Now watch this
God the Father arranged the marriage between the Son and the Church before the foundation of the world (Eph 1)
The brideprice was paid with the Blood of Jesus
We are betrothed to Him
Jesus is preparing a place for us
John 14
Bridegroom returns to claim His bride (rapture of the church)
Wedding Supper of the Lamb = Christ and the Church take their place to rule and reign
Jesus will return for his bride as the angels declared in Acts 1

Active Waiting
Acts 1:12-14
10 days of seeking God in prayer and in His presence
Busy doing ministry we can forget about being in the Lord's presence
Luke 10 = Mary & Martha
Sisters go to organized chaos mode
Clean house, spray febreeze, get the food in the oven
Not your mother-in-law coming over; it's God
Jesus arrives and Mary falls at his feet; Martha keeps working
Martha got upset with Mary
Jesus corrects Martha not Mary
Only one thing more important than serving Jesus = Spending time with him
Martha was concerned with the details that had to get done
Mary was in Awe of his presence
Time spent with Jesus is never wasted time
Doesn't mean you will never serve
If you all you do is try to accomplish will of God you will miss it
To be an effective Martha you must first be an engaged Mary
Before the disciples went out to do they first spent time being in his presence

John 15:1-8
God wants you to produce fruit
Fruit of the Spirit = Love, Joy, Peace, kindness, self-control...
Fruit is born by being attached to the vine (Jesus)
One way we stay attached to the vine through prayer
Prayer is the root of all fruit
Want much fruit? Much prayer
Want love? Pray
Want joy? Pray
Want peace? Pray
Much prayer = much fruit
Prayer is like breathing air
Affects every area of life
I know praying long can be hard
Prayer is not about length but depth
Gettysburg address
Edward Everett spoke 2 hrs
Lincoln spoke 2 min
Prayer = depth not length
We pray because we have a relationship with God
God loves you and wants to hear from you
You can go to God before you get attacked
September 2022 = Demonic Attack
I did not handle everything well but I believe God taught me something
You might be under attack and maybe this will help you
I read a passage probably 80 times this week

Philippians 4
Philippians 4:4
Rejoice IN all things not for all things
Even in the attacks we still rejoice
The attack of the enemy is to manipulate you emotionally
The enemy wants to get you to level 10 where you don't think straight
99% of the stuff we worry about never happens but it paralyzes us
Paul is going to show how our emotional well being begins with rejoicing in Him
Emotional well being is important because we are interconnected
Verses 5-7
I read this over and over because I was under attack and did not feel like rejoicing, I was on edge, and anxious about everything
I read this and I'm really encouraged because Paul says in every situation
Every situation includes the problems I go through
My problems are welcome in God's presence
You don't have to wait for it to get to level 10 to bring it to Him
You can bring it to Him when it’s at level 1
Instead of letting the attack grow, instead of letting the problem get out of control you can involve God early in the process
Paul says, "If you come to God in prayer then the peace of God will guard your hearts and minds."
Guard is a military term
To guard is to keep the enemy out
Your Heart = Emotions
Your Mind = Thoughts

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