1 year ago

WHATS UP LISTENERS!! On today's episode we dive into a few different topics. First, we discuss the disgraceful 51 intel officials that lied to the American people and gave Joe Biden the ability to lie during his job interview to the American people during the 2020 debate when he used a letter to discredit the hunter Biden laptop story which carried him across the finish causing pain and misery to the American people and massive damage to this country. Again, our intel community has interfered in our elections risking their jobs their credentials and their credibility all because they wanted Joe Biden to win. Thats unacceptable and they should all have their security clearances revoked and their pensions forfeited why should American taxpayers pay for the luxurious retirement of 51 former officials that lied to the people and helped destroy this country. Also, we talk about a democrat candidate that announced Hes running for president and the media is already trying to destroy him therefore I like him so tune in to find out who that candidate is. Finally, we talk about a crazy story I found that took place in March where ChatGPT does something that should creep everybody out and it should really open the eyes of the people not paying attention. So once again we try to cram as much news in one show trying to cover more ground and thank you for listening and if you can please share and follow the show it really helps get the word out there being how the subjects we talk about aren't always viewed as politically correct so when you share it really helps and share with your friends and family and tell them to share and follow, we have to do this the old fashion way, word of mouth. As always GOD BLESS YOU AND GOD BLESS AMERICA

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