Prayer: The Next Level

1 year ago

Join us LIVE on Monday - April 24, 2023 at 7pm EST (6pm CST / 4pm PST) as The Way Remnant goes boldly to Prayer: The Next Level

It’s time for us to level up. For too long we have been ankle-deep in the ways of prayer. Let’s jump off into the deep end tonight. Come on in, the water is fine. See you there!

Listed offered in notes from the show:

Invite and acknowledge Yah’s presence
Listen for His heart
He shares emotions and thoughts and His Spirit can pray through you on these topics.
Open your heart to Him
Remove the noise and stress
Let the world and cares fall away, focus on Him (1 Pet 5:7)
Have you ever found the place in prayer where you are sitting quietly in His presence? This is where an exchange takes place. You are feeling your love for Him flow out and His love for you washes over and through you. This can be extreme. It can feel so intense you think you might physically explode. There is love, shalom, joy, rest, and bliss in this exchange.

Speaking English prayer (waiting on Yah in-between steps ... it's not a race)
1. Forgiveness
2. What are the roadblocks thing between you and Him
3. James 5:13 Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray. Is anyone happy? Let them sing songs of praise.
4. Matt 5:44 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,
5. The more we pray about the things troubling us the less they will feel. They lose their teeth
6. Pray temptations don’t overtake you (Matthew 26:41 - Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.”)
7. Move beyond this to the place of being forgiven
8. Strength and grace for what He will have you do in your calling. He is more concerned with spiritual needs than physical needs. Remove things from my heart that I don’t need.
9. Prayer for family
10. Prayer for friends
11. Prayer for Israel
12. Give thanks, give love
13. 1 John 5:14-15 This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.

Speaking in Tongues Prayer (intercession and two hearts)
1. Simple praying
2. Yah begins to share His heart
3. You might have specific feelings from Him
4. He may even show you pictures or a movie playing out
5. Warfare May happen pertaining to the situation He shares
6. Your language may turn to groaning. (Romans 8:26)
7. You may feel the opponent coming against you
8. Yah strength fighting back may be felt
9. Lastly you feel victory and a release
10. This ends with physical exhaustion and you will need a few moments to sit as your strength is replenished


Interested in another good read?

The Nephilim, A Giant Walk Through History.
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We love each and every one of you and ask that you continue to pray for us and the body around you as the day draws near.

Selah, Shema, and Shalom
Jeff & Miranda

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