A Piano Man is Convicted for Driving Piano Under the Influence

1 year ago

A Piano Man is Convicted for Driving Piano Under the Influence

This wonderful example was sent to us by a correspondent in Scotland. According to sources, in September 2021 the police stopped James Tofalli, after noticing he was travelling well below the 70 mph limit, on the A92 in eastern Scotland. He was probably traveling at 67 mph less than the 70 mph limit because he was carrying a piano on a platform. Tofalli was a 30-year old man from Lancashire who had set out on a charity fundraiser in which he intended to tow a piano from John o' Groats all the way to Land's End. He planned to entertain...

This wonderful example was sent to us by a correspondent in Scotland. According to sources, in September 2021 the police stopped James Tofalli, after noticing he was travelling well below the 70 mph limit, on the A92 in eastern Scotland. He was probably traveling at 67 mph less than the 70 mph limit because he was carrying a piano on a platform. Tofalli was a 30-year old man from Lancashire who had set out on a charity fundraiser in which he intended to tow a piano from John o' Groats all the way to Land's End. He planned to entertain people along the route and collect donations. Tofalli, a 30-year-old man from Lancashire, had planned to tow the piano from John o' Groats all the way to Land's End. He would entertain people and collect donations along the way. Pause for a minute to remember John o' Groats. This town has 300 residents and is located at the extreme northeastern corner of Great Britain. It's a great starting point for anyone who wants to walk to Land's End, Cornwall. This could also be the destination of the journey. It is the longest one that you can make without leaving the Island. You could, in a way, make a longer journey by wandering around the island or your neighborhood for a couple of weeks. It is possible to travel for any distance. The phrase "Land's End To John o' Groats", which means "a long distance" (like in the U.S., "coast to coast") has been used to describe the journey between the two points. John o' Groats has been mentioned at least three different times. Once after a man admitted he drove there from Land's End with an average speed of 89 mph. (An admission that led to him being prosecuted for excessive speed). And twice because another guy insists he will make the same journey by foot, and also naked. It also sounds funny. Tofalli, who is also known as Piano Man, started his journey in this location, towing a towed piano while wearing clothes. The piano was initially bolted to a "contraption" made of a trolley that he could either push or pull down the road. According to the Lancashire Telegraph people on the road became worried about his safety. At some point, "a team mechanics gave his keyboard a motorised update by using a Quad bike so that he could walk beside it without having to drag it." The Telegraph insists Tofalli "never sat in the vehicle while riding it on the road." I find this hard to believe, but I have no proof to the contrary. He didn't appear to be sitting on the vehicle in September 2021 when police apprehended him south of Arbroath. The report states that the officers discovered Tofalli only had a provisional license and his piano lacked the "L-plates", which are required for "learners". A cannabis test was positive, as well as a lack of insurance. Tofalli, according to the Telegraph, was charged with "driving a piano while under the influence, driving without insurance and without L-plates." You should be able to tell by now that this kind of questioning is appropriate for someone driving an unusual vehicle. It's amazing that it's been 3 years since a new entry was made in this category. This includes, among other things, scooters and golf carts. There have been no motorized pianos or musical instruments powered by motors until now. Is it illegal for a driver without insurance with a provisional licence to drive a grand piano while under the influence cannabis in Great Britain? I would of course defer to the people who are actually licensed to practice law in Great Britain, but my gut feeling is that it's illegal. In most DSUWIs, the main question is whether or not the vehicle in question is a motor vehicle as defined by the jurisdiction. This is also the case here. Sometimes a law will simply say "vehicle" which is helpful to those riding on horseback, in an inner tube or canoe. This is not the case. This is not the case here.) This law made it illegal to dri...

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