His Glory Presents: Julie Green Ministries Ep. 29 "THESE ARE THE DAYS OF GREAT VINDICATION"

1 year ago

His Glory Presents: Julie Green Ministries Ep. 29 "THESE ARE THE DAYS OF GREAT VINDICATION"

Beware, My children. In these coming days, deception will increase, and lies will arise and try to steer you in the wrong direction- away from Me and My Word. Don't listen or pay attention, but stand at attention, My children in the army of the Lord. The battle has been won, so don't lose heart now. No, your enemies have gone down a path of destruction. They have brought great destruction but don't pay attention to that. No, that was all temporary (and allowed) for My eagle to be set free, for My children to be shaken, and to awaken the world, so that My children and the world would turn to Me and not to man and their governments and systems.

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