Dr. Tess Lawrie - The Future of Nursing

1 year ago

Apr 23, 2023
Source: https://drtesslawrie.substack.com/p/the-future-of-nursing

Kate Shemirani is nothing if not formidable. She has been mercilessly lambasted from all sides because of her so-called controversial views and has even been ostracised by close members of her family for the same reasons. If you only read the cabal’s preferred character assassination tool, Wikipedia, you would think she was the devil incarnate!

Like many who have gone against Big Pharma and the Covid spin doctors, Kate is accused of being an aficionado of multiple “conspiracy theories” and peddling harmful “mis” or “dis” information. So it is pertinent to remember that over the last three years, many formerly considered conspiracy theories have turned out to be at least partially, and in some cases completely, true.

Key qualities of a nurse – being caring, having empathy and heart – have long since been deprioritised by a health system based on meeting targets.

Kate turned away from her chosen career as a nurse because she felt it had become toxic and politicised, with nurses now being expected simply to carry out the diktats of health authorities. Because of this, she has started the British Nursing Alliance with the aim of restoring more natural nursing that encourages nurses to advocate for the patients once again, as she was taught to do when she started her training as a nurse.

If you have listened to some of my podcast series, you may already have noted how experiencing serious illness personally and self-healing from it seems to make health professionals (and non-professionals) better skilled in healing others. It also makes them realise the limitations of modern medicine and hospital-based practice.

In 2012, Kate was diagnosed with a highly invasive form of breast cancer. After undergoing a mastectomy, Kate refused chemotherapy and instead turned to a form of therapy called Gerson Therapy and other integrative treatments to heal herself. This plucky choice served her well as, incredibly, she fully recovered and is living a full and active life with more energy than most can dream of.

Whatever Kate’s views are that seem to upset those who support and try to uphold mainstream narratives, she is undeniably tremendously courageous, energetic, passionate and committed to her beliefs and her truths. We should all respect that in anyone, and this interview allows her great humanitarian caring to shine through like the bright star that it, and she, is.

I hope that you will enjoy the conversation between Kate and me today. Nursing is and should be a most venerable and rewarding profession. If you are a nurse who is unhappy with the way the nature and reputation of nursing have been sullied, I trust this will motivate you towards positive change. You don’t need to wait any longer to make different choices about how you can be true to your calling. We need you in our communities doing what you do best. Perhaps it’s time to come home?

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