Principles Video 3 God Loves All of Us

1 year ago

15so that whoever believes will in Him have eternal life.
16“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.
John 3:15–16 (NASB95)
God loves everyone, yes everyone. He loves the people we don't like very much, that person who cut me off in traffic, and even the people who talk in theaters. God wants everyone to come to Heaven so He sent His Son to help make it happen.
If you missed video 1 The Basic Human Condition or video 2 Jesus is God, the links are below. The link to my new book What We Put in Shadow is also below as are the links to join us on Substack to get all my writing as it's sent out or Patreon to support that same writing.
Principles Video 1 - The Basic Human Codition
Principles Video 2 - Jesus is God
What We Put in Shadow book on Amazon
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