William Cooper - One World Order **A RARE find**

1 year ago

The most awake person I have run across. He had Q level clearance, he knows a lot. He explains his knowledge of extraterrestrials, his knowledge that the CIA had Kennedy murdered and Oswald framed, how Bush practiced magic and was into satanic rituals and he explains that the plan of depopulating the world. So much more. One of the absolute best two hour interviews you will come across that can connect a lot of dots.

This is a rare video, please share this as it can help so many understand. It doesn't matter if you are down that rabbit hole or thinking about entering, this is good for everyone.

***This is a MUST SEE. We the people need to wake up because where we go one, we go all.

Please subscribe as I work hard to keep with the latest and to find what is relevant to what is going on here in December 2021, I believe from everything I have been hearing and reading that we are close to some event between now, 12-13-2021 and End of January 2022.

Another Super Rare Video that will Connect the Dots and the "Missing" Pieces.
Please check out this very rare video that hardly anyone knows about "THEY" control ALL - Presidents, CIA, Mossad, MI6, Illuminati, Free Masons 33rd's, ALL Secret Societies, Congress -- all are run by a group of Super Planners called "The Olympians" - the Committee of 300. Their wealth make the Rockefellers look poor. Talking Thousands of Trillions of $$. They are in complete charge of this covid plandemic to depopulate and you will see all the deadly viruses and bacteria they have in store. The research is by Dr. John Coleman who spent Decades discovering this. Must See - Rare Find --

Thank You

The Occulted History of Vaccines - https://www.bitchute.com/video/gutYVBKJzTOy/

Blood Samples - the Vaccinated vs Unvaccinated - unreal results - https://www.bitchute.com/video/GdOID8UxMRw6/

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