ANZAC Day 2023: Remembering the Fallen and Holding Politicians Accountable

1 year ago

On today's show Ed and I cover:

1. ANZAC Day 2023
2. The economic impact if China invade Taiwan
3. The corruption in Ukraine
4. The next banks to fail

Make sure you tune into the show on our other platforms on the links below and let us know your thoughts on these important subjects.


ANZAC DAY 2023: Rob's thoughts:
As someone who has witnessed the devastation of conflict firsthand, I can't help but feel a sense of anger and frustration every time ANZAC day rolls around.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not suggesting that we should forget the sacrifice of the brave men and women who gave their lives for our country. But what I am saying is that this day has become nothing more than a glorification of the very politicians who sent them to their deaths.

The truth is that our politicians are nothing but lying, cheating scumbags who are more interested in their own agendas than the lives of our soldiers. They send or best and brightest off to fight unjust wars, all while sitting comfortably in their ivory towers, far away from the front lines. And who pays the price for their greed and corruption? It's the youngest, best, and brightest members of our society, that's who.

The sad reality is that NO Australian politician has ever been held accountable for the death of our soldiers. They continue to make empty promises, to speak platitudes about the bravery of our troops, all while ignoring the fact that they are the ones responsible for putting them in harm's way.

So yes, let's remember the fallen on this ANZAC day. Let's honor the fallen and the sacrifice of those who continue to serve. But let's not forget that politicians are the real culprits here. They are the liars who start these wars and cause these deaths. And until they are held accountable, until they are forced to answer for the lives they've destroyed, I can't help but feel that this day is nothing more than a hollow, meaningless gesture.

What if China were to invade Taiwan:
The global economy would undoubtedly suffer a significant impact. Taiwan is a major hub for high-tech manufacturing, and it is home to some of the world's largest electronics companies. A Chinese invasion could disrupt global supply chains and lead to shortages of critical components, such as semiconductors and microchips.

Furthermore, a conflict between China and Taiwan could cause instability in the region and trigger a geopolitical crisis. This could lead to a rise in oil prices, a drop in stock markets, and a decline in international trade. The knock-on effects of such an event would be felt throughout the global economy, impacting businesses and consumers alike.

The scale of the economic impact would depend on the severity and duration of the conflict. However, it's clear that a Chinese invasion of Taiwan would have far-reaching and potentially long-lasting consequences for the global economy.


Corruption in Ukraine:
Corruption has as been well documented over the years, with numerous reports and investigations highlighting the extent of the problem. It is estimated that corruption costs the Ukrainian economy billions of dollars each year and is a significant impediment to the country's economic development and stability.

The corruption problem in Ukraine extends beyond the political elite and into everyday life. Bribes and kickbacks are commonplace in many areas of society, from healthcare and education to law enforcement and the judiciary. This has eroded public trust in institutions and hindered efforts to build a more transparent and accountable society. Despite some progress in recent years, corruption remains a major challenge for Ukraine as it seeks to modernize and integrate with the global community.


Another banking crisis:
If another bank were to fail, it could potentially trigger a chain reaction of further bank failures, as we have seen in previous financial crises. The failure of a bank can lead to a loss of confidence in the banking system, which can cause depositors to withdraw their funds from other banks. This can lead to a liquidity crisis, making it difficult for banks to meet their obligations and forcing them to close their doors. The resulting panic can spread rapidly through the financial system, leading to a domino effect of bank failures.


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