Q&A with Pharmacist Ben Fuchs and Becca Dukes - Let’s talk Water and What's the Best - 4/24/2023

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Becca Dukes asks Pharmacist Benjamin Fuchs about the different types of water that are posed as being healthy; spring, alkaline, purified, reverse osmosis, structured water and distilled. Pharmacist Ben gives a brief pros and cons of each and what he has chosen as being the healthiest and why. The answer surprised Becca which brought light to debunking the common falsehoods that have been taught. He talks about the 4 states of water. And common symptoms of determining if someone is dehydrated.

Pharmacist Ben takes questions from the audience about calcium deposits in the lower legs, Mineral calcification in the body and the cause. He answers a question about phytates and oxalates and a quick answer to hot flashes which will be the May 2023 main topic for Q&A with Pharmacist Ben and Becca.


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