real reason scientists as a group daily mass ritual lie to efficiently indoctrinate fooled masses

1 year ago

if 30% of atheist scientists are culturally religious, & 30% of scientists are "religious", how many profess but do not believe anything

I hope you are well, you sound top, here we go. If a devout Christian should be suspected or proven to be lying to you, then you might also assume they only do so for the distinct pleasure of their God. That said, if an atheist, known to profess a life of godlessness, should be found lying to you, could you reasonably assume they only lie for personal reasons?
There are a lot of things I will never know, especially concerning this world and why some inhabitants of this wondrous place, feign they've harnessed and possess such absolute and irrefutable knowledge?
Were too many young and budding scientists cruelly discluded from speaking out loud their own ideals and adopted understandings, snuffed out and silenced? Perhaps some were barred from ever effectively sharing those realizations and made discoveries during those mostly unfair juvenile years, maybe they were just too shy to pipe up and tell it, petrified with fear that a teacher and even fellow classmates might think them dumb for trying to explain a perspective gleaned by experience, that superior empirical knowledge that holds water better for them than what the scientific community offers.
I guess my final questions to ask go as such; What is the real reason that scientists continue to do their mass ritual lies daily, cintinue to stick to their guns as a group, to more efficiently indoctrinate the fooled masses? Why offer medices and perform invasive procedures on worried patients; Is the deception pushed by men of diverse scientific learning, trying to do a duty for the community, chip away at and erode health, slowly poison with their "life or death" situational treatments that are completely incapable returning one's vitality and raising health? Why would any good person continue such a course, utilizing methods long known to never cure but expressly exacerbate most diseases?
Be Well!
Thanks, Cheers, and Blessings sent!

= other citations archived due to youtube link bot & censor flag threats

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