Why is Mom's For Liberty Considered A Controversial Group?

1 year ago

Why are groups like Moms for Liberty viewed as so controversial? We joined our local chapter to see for for ourselves what the fuss was all about. What we found was a warm group of informed parents just looking out for what's best for their children. We have often heard the lament from educators and the like that parents aren't involved enough in their kids education. Parents have gotten more involved and it seems like that is now a problem.

Oklahoma State Superintendent Ryan Walters is addressing our chapter on Apr 25 and if you heard about it from some groups on social media you would swear this was clan rally. Folks have said they plan to protest the Superintendent. They have every right to peacefully assemble on public property and have there voices heard. We just found the name calling and rhetoric on social media to be extremely exaggerated with what we saw from the group and Walters himself.

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