Sacks explains how his distrust of the U.S. foreign policy establishment grew from the lies

1 year ago

.@DavidSacks explains how his distrust of the U.S. foreign policy establishment grew from the numerous lies, $8 trillion spent, and millions killed in Middle Eastern wars over the last two decades:

"They lied us into the Iraq War. The war did nothing to improve American security. We destabilized the Middle East. We turned Iraq into an Iranian proxy state. The destabilization created a huge refugee problem that spilled over into Syria, which is another intervention that we bungled. We got in Afghanistan initially motivated by the fact that they supported Al Qaeda, which attacked us on 9/11, but then we stayed there in an open-ended occupation for 20 years, and the entire time we were told that we were winning and the country was being transformed into a democracy and everything turned out to be a lie.

All of these foreign interventions in the middle east cost us $8 trillion, and the number of deaths is staggering. Almost a million direct deaths from all the wars we launched, and I've seen excess mortality numbers as high as 5 million. We unleashed staggering death and destruction. So, I don't know how you can live through the past twenty years without rethinking American foreign policy.

Not recognizing that American foreign policy has been overly activist and overly interventionist. It's totally backfired on us and blown up in our faces. The sad thing is the same people that got us involved in that foreign policy are still there. It's the foreign policy establishment. There's been very little accountability for all of those people. In fact, most of them have moved to the Democratic party. They are really comfortable with the idea of state power."


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