US Requests SK to Shield Domestic Chipmakers from Chinese Ban | #shorts #news

1 year ago

News Bulletin | "US Requests SK to Shield Domestic Chipmakers from Chinese Ban" | #shorts #news

As President Yoon Suk Yeol of South Korea is set to visit the United States on Monday, the US government has asked South Korea to dissuade its chip makers, Samsung and SK hynix, from filling any potential openings in the Chinese market should the country decide to ban Idaho-based Micron from selling their chips. The request comes amidst reports that China is carrying out a national security review on Micron. This situation is particularly sensitive for Americans, as Micron is one of the few remaining US semiconductor companies who are not only domestic industry leaders, but that also manufacture chips for other technology giants like Apple and Amazon. Therefore, a ban on Micron would be a serious blow to the US economy.

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