Article Video - "Science" Can't Really Be Trusted Anymore April 17, 2023 By Arjun Walia

1 year ago

Article Video - Detaching From "Scientific Consensus" Propaganda: "Science" Can't Really Be Trusted Anymore - APR 17, 2023 By ARJUN WALIA

The mainstream works hard to convince people there is a "scientific consensus" on various topics, but is this true?

“Scientific consensus” surrounds us everywhere. We saw it with all things COVID despite the fact that, to me at least, it seemed that doctors, scientists, and other experts in the field who were questioning government health policies during this time, like lockdowns, vaccine mandates, vaccine safety/efficacy and mask mandates were actually in the majority. Or at least a very large minority.

We were presented with a “clear consensus” type of narrative via mainstream media and government health authorities, but this clearly wasn’t the case.

In a recent interview, astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson was asked about his scientific views about COVID-19 and he said “I’m only interested in consensus.” So, agreeing with the “consensus” is quite prevalent today even though it may not even be the consensus.

I’ve said it before many times and I’ll say it again, the mainstream can make the majority seem like the minority and the minority seem like the majority.

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