Article Video - “Consciousness Creates Reality” – Is This An Accurate Interpretation?

1 year ago

Article Video - “Consciousness Creates Reality” – Is This An Accurate Interpretation of What Quantum Mechanics is Revealing? APRIL 24, 2023 by Arjun Walia

“Despite the unrivalled empirical success of quantum theory, the very suggestion that it may be literally true as a description of nature is still greeted with cynicism, incomprehension and even anger.”

– T. Folger, “Quantum Shmantum”; Discover 22:37-43, 2001”
The fascinating connection between mind and matter has given birth to a saying used by many, from quantum physicists and academics to ancient and “new age” philosophers. The saying goes, “Consciousness creates reality.”

The question is, where did this saying come from? What does it mean? And how should we interpret it?

In the 17th century, the ideas of philosopher Rene Descartes played a significant role in shaping what science would one day become. Among his influential contributions, Descartes brought to light the characteristics of mind and matter, identifying them as the two primary ingredients of reality.

These views, originating largely from Aristotle and Plato, have made their way throughout the ages to the present day and have been further validated by quantum mechanics (QM).

It’s always fascinating when ancient ideas, which seemed to have originated from one’s own heart/mind, are validated by modern-day experiments, technology and science. It truly makes one ponder whether or not the burning questions of existence and the mysteries regarding the true nature of reality are somehow accessible somewhere inside all of us in some extraordinary way.

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