Bejamin Fulford April 7th - April 21st 2023

1 year ago

Questions to Bejamin Fulford - April 7th - April 21st
Federal Reserve Board - Fed Now - Central Bank Digital Currency
Khazarian Mafia trying to regain control.
Quantum Financial System installed two years ago.
Khazarian Mafia's version of NASARA/GESARA
Thoughts on Trump - One in the Mountain (Space Force), one fake black hat out in the open.
Fake Biden regime
Space Force in regular communication with off-world beings.
Antartica is a military zone only.
Taiwan, Japan and North Korea
Overall U.S. Military under White Hat operation, no U.S. troops in any wars.
BRICS and others who want to join them.
Ukraine has already lost the war, Zelenskyy thrown under the bus.
Netanyahu of Israel - Time for the people's justice.
Military alliance now between Saudi Arabia and Iran. Roman project ends.
Arrests coming this year.
Dalai Lama outed.
Australia is negotiating to join White Hats.
Canada election stolen...duh!

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