Cleared Hot Episode 282 - Paul Evancoe and Nelson Grant

1 year ago

Paul Evancoe is a police officer in Orlando, Florida. He is currently a full-time training instructor for his agency as well as an active 14-year member of the SWAT Team. In addition to his current assignments, Paul has experience working in the Narcotics Unit and the Tactical Anti-Crime Unit. Paul was one of the initial responders to the Pulse nightclub shooting in 2016 where 49 people lost their lives.

Nelson Grant is a Sheriff's Deputy and Search and Rescue Team member in the Flathead Valley. In addition to his current duties, he has previous experience on the SWAT Team and Narcotics Task Force.

When not on duty Nelson enjoys partaking in just about every activity that Northwestern Montana has to offer. Bowhunting, rifle hunting, river raft guiding, dual-sport motorcycle guiding, backcountry split boarding and skiing, touring, trekking, downhill mountain bike riding, and probably more I am forgetting. He quit jiu-jitsu in 2022.

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