Dragon Spirit | PC-Engine playthrough | Real hardware

1 year ago

This is a good game. It has nice graphics. Loads of enemies on screen, and loads of power ups, although it took me a long time to work out what does what. By the end of the game, I still didn’t know what some of the things were. I collected a heart and it just shown an egg on the HUD. No idea what it did. But I bet it was crucial to beating the game.

The game is tough but fair. Well, that’s what I thought until I got to the last level anyway.
I knew this would be hard so I used the 100 continues code. This doesn’t make it much easier because when you lose 2 lives, you have to start the whole stage again. It’s not 100 lives.
This should be an infinite continues game anyway due to the difficulty. I don’t how anyone could do this with limited continues.
The first 7 levels are doable and took me an hour to get through. Then the last level happened. I was on it for 2 hours over and over. My head was mashed and I seemed to be getting worse. It was getting to 2am so I paused it for the next day. When I returned I still didn’t seem to be doing any better. I could never get through the bit right before the last boss with the spears sticking out of the walls without getting hit and losing my power ups. Then the last boss is ridiculous. It has a homing attack that is impossible to dodge unless you have a speed power up which you pick up by random. Even if you have some hits left, as soon as you get hit once, you lose your speed and get hit again. I was honestly thinking that I might not be able to do it. In the end I persevered and by pure luck got through the whole level with only getting hit at the start and picked up lots of speed power ups, a wide blast, and power up to make my character small. I managed to get passed the spears without getting hit so this was it. My last chance. I’d never had this many power ups getting to him. And speed was the most essential thing to dodge the homing attack. After another hour of play. I finally completed it. Only because I got the right power ups by luck. Even the homing attack started to go faster in the end so it would have been impossible to dodge if I got hit once and lost any speed.
I screamed with relief. I’ve never felt so lucky to beat a boss.

Rating – 8/10
Difficulty – 10/10

Original game played on PC-Engine Duo console
Picture split between CRT TV for my own viewing and OSCC scan converter with 2x line doubler, upscaled to HDMI for recording
100 continue cheat used
Normal difficulty
Deaths cut out for smoother viewing
Box art from thumbnail is taken from my own collection

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#pcengine #pcenginecd #turbografx #turbografx16 #turbografxcd

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