V417 Jericho Marches IV. Separated From & To - Breaking Out of Passivity, Pre-Anointing (2023-04-23)

1 year ago

V417 Jericho Marches XII 2023: IV. Separated From, Separated To - Breaking Out of Passivity With the Pre-Anointing (2023-04-23)
Website article: www.nccg.org/lev20230423.html
Duration: 22 minutes

"Welcome to the fourth day of this year's Jericho March which corresponds to the fourth annual festival of Shavuot, the Feast of Weeks, Ekatost or 'Pentecost'! I hope you will be blessed by what I have been called to share with you today.
Yesterday we talked about passivity and how it hinders our walk with Elohim (God) but before we move on to today's message I need to say one more thing about that. We must not fall under the mistaken belief that those believers who are deceived by evil spirits must be the most defiled, degenerate, and sinful of Christians/Messianics that can be found. Quite the contrary. They are often the most surrendered of believers spiritually and more advanced than ordinary believers still trying to surrender everything to Yah'shua (Jesus). They strive to obey Yahweh and are willing to pay any cost. They only stumble into passivity unwittingly because of the fact that though they are wholly dedicated or consecrated they still don't know how to cooperate with Yahweh...."

Jericho Marches: www.nccg.org/jericho_marches.html
Shavu'ot: www.nccg.org/shavuot.html
Hot potatoes: www.nccg.org/lev20111001.html
Book of Revelation: www.nccg.org/book_of_reveolation.html
4 Revivals: www.nccg.org/lev20140418.html
East Africa Mission: www.nccg.org/eam/index.html

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