The Holy Cross-ing is in the Dual hemisphere alignments

1 year ago

This video concerns the divine knowledge within a book called "The Desire Of Ages".
We have another trinity, in the story of the Holy Cross.
1) The spiritual/Godly/metaphysical crossing of the tropical region during the Milky Way alignment between the two separate star rotations of each hemisphere at night. This can actually be comprehended by sighting the Milky Way passing over your zenith. We cannot see both hemisphere Milky Ways alignment at once, I don't think, but maybe a good astrophotographer may catch them , if he knows what he is looking for, or at.
2) The 6th day of creation when the Sun crosses in its analemma on its was into southern hemisphere spring equinox.
3) The crucifixion . When a man must die to be reborn into the kingdom of God, his spiritual rebirth or awakening. His creation story/recreation. His day will come when the two Milky Ways align with the full Moon, as the Moon sits in the sign it was in at his conception. This is the divine term 'Gold & Silver'
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