The Bright Side with Ben Fuchs April 23, 2023 Commercial free

1 year ago

Danielle Pashko, Holistic Nutritionist
Certain illnesses are a mystery to modern medicine, frustrating doctors like a jigsaw puzzle with missing parts that cannot be solved. Two of these illnesses have seen a concerning uptick this year including Lyme disease and long COVID. Holistic nutritionist, Danielle Pashko, should know because not only does she consult with patients struggling with Lyme disease and long COVID side effects, she has had to also successfully manage both illnesses on her own.
Holistic nutritionist, Danielle Pashko emphasizes that while hard-to-diagnose illnesses frustrate doctors, patients do not have to live in limbo waiting for a cure for Lyme disease or long COVID. Both can be managed to suppress unwanted side effects by adopting strict lifestyle habits. Shares six lifestyle routines to practice routinely:
• Compression Therapy
• Mushroom Supplementation
• Anti-Inflammatory Diet
• Acupuncture
• Yoga
• Meditation/Prayer

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