Wild Arms - Part 1: Character Introductions

1 year ago

I'm arriving a lot later than I wanted to, but I opted to start covering this game due to the kickstarter for a spiritual successor (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/doublekickstarter/armed-fantasia-and-penny-blood). It has already met its funding goal, but there are still a few days left in it to hop aboard if you want to bring its successor or Shadow Hearts into reality.

As for the game itself, I am going into this blind, having no familiarity with the series at all. I know there are wild west themes present that would make Vash or Sundown proud. Seeing as this is the digital version available on PS3, I can't comment on whether the load times or anything has been improved here, but we can see what is available for most people to still acquire.

In this part, we get to meet the various characters, and I have left the random battles in tact so you can see what they're like. Sadly, the encounter rate can be a little punishing at times, and it is going to make editing some of the future parts a bit of a chore. I like the premise of the puzzle elements, but we will need to see where they go with them when we have more tools at our disposal to get from one side of the room to the other.

There is a copyright claim on the video for the opening song, so there may be ads. I am hoping it will be the only one.

As for long term, I want to work on this when I have some down time. With Zero right around the corner, I will be giving it priority, but I am hoping to get some of these out periodically so we can bring a piece of gaming history onto the channel.

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