Conrail Remembered - Part One

1 year ago

This part features action in Charlton & Spencer, Massachusetts in the early 1990s.
Charlton (CP 57) marks the east end of a controlled siding for westbound trains. The west end of the siding is at East Brookfield, MA (CP-64). A grade of about .88 percent will make heavier eastbound freights work hard. Some westbound trains can make noise too as they have just finished climbing a grade that began since departing Worcester, MA.

A personal comment… I can’t stand the graffiti that has turned every modern manifest freight into something that belongs in the ghetto or junkyard. I also fondly remember these days when there were still many railroads displaying their names and logos on the rolling stock. Therefore in this show, many trains are shown in their entirety. Enjoy the wide variety of road names and logos along with some pretty rare stuff, even for the early 1990's!

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