A Message For Our Time

1 year ago

A Message For Our Time

About the video. I usually have a difficult time comprehending Christian 21. In this video he has a visual that could help me follow what he is speaking to.

And no I don’t think he is crazy. He has a speech impediment. Much like Moses of the Old Testament. He stuttered and he gave part of his power away to his brother Aaron.
Christian 21 has not given away his power to another.

Graphic On Blackboard in video

4 Wars
Galactic War ✔️Done
Underground War ✔️Done
Silent/Vaccines ✔️Draw
Public vs Minions ✔️Our War
Fake Psychics
So called Most Informed

Message for our time
See what Christian 21 wrote

Exodus 14:15-18
Tell the people to move forward en masse, all together now.
When you hear the sound, rise up ⬆️

The Beatles
All together now

The old time Christians outwardly braced themselves against “the World Beast Systems” by practicing outward modesty and inwardly they put a premium on godly purity of intention.
When they worshiped they worshiped with their open hands open to the sky.

Then they stood their ground whether it was the red soil of Oklahoma or the deep rich soil of the Kent Valley Vegetable Gardens in Washington State.

Then they stood their ground with their hands held high and hearts full of thanks.

It all circles back to a simple idea; Thankfulness.

How can you be thankful for more, for something different, for something new, if you are not thankful for what you have!
God’s voice
963 hertz

We could be in heaven ToDay
If WE would Standup, Love others, and be thankful to God for all of manifest blessings.
William Cooper

Matthew 16:13-19
Whom do you say I am
To whom did Jesus give the Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven?

God gave the Keys of the Kingdom to those who hear, comprehend, intuitively know the mind and the voice of God. It is on this bedrock of discernment, will I build this new way.

We have the Holy Spirit to guide us, to inspire us, to give us a download of ideas.
Very few people were privileged to have the gift of discernment, before the Death and Resurrection of Jesus the Son of God.

As an example from the Old Testament character Samuel, at least 1000 years before the advent of the Christ Consciousness into our world.
1 Samuel 3:1

We are given One of the greatest gifts imaginable, the Gift of a very personal direct Messenger in constant contact with the Source, with the Father, the Godhead!

A gift given to us, as a direct result of us turning our back on what we know to be wrong.

This is the gift as from the nail scarred hand of Jesus the Son of God.
He changed your DNA sequence to mirror Adam’s DNA before the Fall. You are now a child of God. A brand spanken’ new child of God!

Yashua is the torch bearer cutting through the blackest of darkness.
In Jesus is the Mercy, the Compassion, and the Love of God.
Jesus has conquered every temptation, as a Hueman, every Darkness and he came out victorious. ✔️Done

And the darkness comprehended it not
John 1: 5-9

It is He who has been standing before God, faithfully praying for his brothers and sisters in Humanity, for 2000+ years.
Remember: This is the Son of God

He is praying for the Son of Man, even right now.
I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase “Trust the Plan.”
I’ve heard some complaints about the phrase, as I’m sure you have also, if you’re on social media for any length of time.

I’ve heard the saying, Trust the Plan. “It is much-to-much military sounding.”
I’d say the “plan” has had many different meanings since the Q inception.

One part of the plan, was for a certain percentage of the aggregate of huemanity, to have raised their consciousness. Then for those 80% or 90% who have awakened for the plan to even work. “You are the Plan.”

Trust The Plan

By now the Great General of the Heavenly Host with his the Great Cloud of Witnesses knows what Old Split Hoof, the Antichrist - Cain of Old, the Cabal is going to do.

He has only so many moves left. Satan is willing to burn it all down. If he can’t have it; no one else will be able to have it either.

God has Satan’s playbook. God has captured his operating system and his programmer.

Satan’s kingdom (our Earth) is now a captured operation, taken from the enemy and given back to you; the People.

Earth has been taken back and all of Earth’s population will soon realize this when we see the Son of Man coming on a Cloud.

You can say Hallelujah, right here!

Yeshua has gathered his Christ Conscious men and women to be in his Mighty Digital Army.
He gathered his soldiers from every Universe.
He gathered them, the ready who drank from their cupped hand.
He looked for Huemanity, at the ready, in all Timelines.

Matthew 13:26-27
Gathered his own

Do you realize, there are people who analyze statements made on social media. They also categorize the number of views of certain types of videos receive.
In each of their designated categories.
They see the lil antichrists remarks, and how tHey are having less effect.
tHey see and comprehend the remarks of a higher consciousness (truth) is making its way into the aggregate of Huemanity.

BACKground To The Future
I don’t agree with all of Jetson
White’s theological conclusions, but this is an interesting postulation.
Star Seeds All Return
Jetson White

How the Deep State Insinuated It’s self into the American government. Broad and Sweeping in its scope

The Law of The Spoken Word
The more you complain or gossip about another
The more like them you become
It’s the law of the spoken word
Because you are creator of your space and time.
What you say is what you become (get)
Or as they say, in the wisdom from the far side of the tracks.
She who says it; is it!

The Creators

Determining Our Direction
Here’s how it was explained to me.
You make a decision to do something and then you go and do it.
It doesn’t seem like a big deal at the time, but as it turns out, when you look back, that was the point when you began to veer off track.

The old time Christians were outwardly braced themselves against “the World Beast Systems” by practicing outward modesty and inwardly they put a premium on godly purity of intention. They checked their life direction daily by the Scriptures.

In this next presentation the singer is singing in the 963Hz frequency also known as
"the frequency of divine harmony" and “the God note.”
His voice is spiritual.

963 Hz Frequency of God, did you sense the hair go up on the back of your neck, the Crown Chakra Healing Music, Return to Oneness, Spiritual Connection
Check out the length of play

A Heavenly Voice
963 hertz
For the next 1000 years the dollar sign [$] will have the same effect of revulsion (the gagging, the upsome effect). As does the swastika (卐 or 卍)has upon modern society.

Even though the Swasika was revered and emulated by millions of peoples in Countries like Nepal, an entire group of Eastern European countries and a host of Native American tribes Lakota, Navajo, and Osage.
In the future, in the New Earth the dollar [$] sign will be associated with the [Antichrist]
hate, kidnapping, manipulation, murders, power-and-control, sabotage, savagery, sickness, slavery, trafficking, and rape.
As with a sword through the heart for murder. Murder of the mind, body and hueman spirit.
As with rape, as with a single bar, like a stake through the Hueman soul.
As double bars over the spirit, to keep the Hueman spirit enslaved until it is dead.

How the world loved the swastika - until Hitler stole it - BBC
Short Read

Death of Banking 1 of 2

Death of Banking 2 of 2

The New Beatitudes
The New Millennium
Be wise
Be alive
Be aware
Be looking
Be hearing
Be a watcher
Be not surprised
Be paying attention
Be therefore trustworthy
For my contrarian friends
Be therefore trustworthy
Be paying attention
Be not surprised
Be a watcher
Be hearing
Be looking
Be aware
Be alive
Be wise
John 10:27-28


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11 acorn lane
“Time For Tea

Paloma Faith
Upside Down (Official Video)

11 acorn lane
Lucky Day

I will leave you with one final thought.
Our common Enemy, has exercised an enormous power over our lives.
When the change comes in our New Earth.
There will not only be an exchange of gold but there will be an prodigious exchange of personal POWER available to us.
The parasites not only collected our blood, sweat and tears but they stole our personal power. They stole what made you hueman. Our Orgone Energy
Qi End

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