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1 year ago

Artecki Studio presents a Rock and Roll Song Video "Cursed Soldiers" written by Mark Artecki and video by Vivian Artecki. "Cursed Soldiers"-Rock and Roll song with the message.

The Rock and Roll Song Video "Cursed Soldiers" is different from other our Song Videos. Lyrics tell a short story of Patriotic Soldiers who took the fight to a tyrannical and much stronger enemy, an occupant or we should say occupants. This fight was with great success. It is safe to say that almost entire nation was in some way involved in the resistance to these, initially united evil regimes. One evil conquered another evil and imposed its will on the nation of Cursed Soldiers.
The war mayhem never stopped in 1945 and brave Cursed Soldiers continued fighting the new enemy, while the Democratic World watched and did nothing. The same Democratic World did nothing, not to offend the allied with them victorious evil, even if it meant to betray the noble ally. All Western allies, so called moral icons of that time, pale with the splendor and nobility of the Cursed Soldiers.
Thousands of the Cursed Soldiers perished...The Cursed Soldiers name means that all their efforts, bravery and fight for freedom practically went for nothing, defeated by the evil. These other victorious allies and their icons who could do something to help, instead stabbed Cursed Soldiers in a back for what? Maybe for bleeding during the war to liberate these allies from peril.
Initially It was a fight against two Socialist Regimes, one German National Socialist and the other Russian International Socialist never less Socialist, an evil incarnate ushered on humanity that caused hundreds of millions lives to perish in its name, for nothing...
The World ain't fair. Now we are on a cusp of another calamity... but are there people of the caliber Cursed Soldiers were to fight for us....??? Ask yourself this question.

The song "Cursed Soldiers", Music and Lyrics have a US Copy Right.#Artecki #ArteckiStudio #MarkArtecki #Songwriter #OriginalSong #VivianArtecki

Mark Artecki is the stage name for Marek Stoklosa and Vivian Artecki is the stage name for Vivian Stoklosa aka Vivian Chang.


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