He Wakaputanga emerges to free the world!

1 year ago

Kia Ora! Today we post this important message from Dr. Reiner Fuellmich regarding the importance of He Wakaputanga, acknowledging sovereignty was NEVER ceded to the Crown, Tikanga is law, and the KEY to stopping the onslaught of tyranny throughout the world.

Dr_ReinerFuellmich Video – He Wakaputanga 24-4-23


“I have an important announcement to make. I am a free independent human being, free in thought and free in action. I alone decide what I want and what I don’t want, and I want real justice.

The maori in New Zealand too, are free independent human beings. Unlike all other human beings though, they have never lost, or ceded their independence, it is enshrined in their declaration of independence, He Wakaputanga, which was written in 1835. Their equally independent, hundred of years old law is called ‘tikanga’, it is designed to restore the peace, for the maori, and for the whole world.

The maori remind us who we are, free and independent people who make their own choices and who will not let anyone tell us what to do and what not to do.

My Friend and colleague Dexter Reinerfeilt and I on behalf of the International Group of lawyers for many weeks have spoken to representatives of the maori government and others who will support this move. We, all of us, will restore the peace for the maori, and for the world. Because this is what tikanga law is explicitly there for, precisely for this moment.

I am Reiner Fuellmich and I stand with the maori, because we love life. ”

end quote.

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