27 Aethers in a One Room Span

1 year ago

Correction at end: Sardius Pillar in South West no South East; these directions are apparently important

Now let's draw twelve acts to unify for today
→Don’t sell out
→Be charitable
→Don’t use your mind without your heart
→Make right boundaries with your anger
→Find clarity through grief
→Unite high and low self
→Follow a higher court than that of the plane
→Defend what’s best instead of your ego
→Find the strength in less instead of overmuch
→Order your knowledge into what is must
→Long for what keeps you in touch
→Allow your beliefs to move with new knowledge
→Allow silent space for Invisible College

Now here is a walls to a structure at night enter to into this sort of dream:
Before falling asleep see ZEXL the multi jeweled emerald pyramid.
Above this on the truncated top is a room. It is forty five degrees turned and looming above its top. It's the room you find yourself in. Mark in sacred direction within. Note in the South Western part a sardius pillar made with great art. Across the top of your East wall there is a light blue, from this color an angel steps into the room.
MLUJYH looks Blackanese. She is there to tell you where you've deceived yourself with; and where to receive it. There is something you may not truly see. She will bring you the question that will then rightly lead through the work in this Moon month to spend the time overcoming and growing into personal heights that are next in your becoming for truer role, awaiting in front of you.

Minds: https://www.minds.com/0SumG

Website: https://madkingsdreams.com

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