Kevin O’Neil Retired FDNY L-35 Warming Up On The Bagpipes At Fisherman’s Village, Punta Gorda, FL

1 year ago

3/21/2023 I heard a lot of good things about Fisherman’s Village located in Punta Gorda, Florida and finally made my way there Tuesday March 21, 2023. It was there I met retired FDNY Lt. Kevin O’Neil who worked in Ladder Company 35 in Manhattan. Kevin filled me in on how members of the “Guns n Hoses Pipe and Drum Band” would gather each Tuesday evening, one hour before sunset, on the beach area adjacent the tiki bar to play the bagpipes. As the sun sets they finish with playing Amazing Grace. The band is made up of retired police officers and firefighters from around the country. The band uses the platform to collect money for St Vincent de Paul food pantry, a great cause. Definitely worth a visit to watch this incredible pipe and drum band. Thanks for viewing.

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