"The Mystical World of Folk Buddhism: Exploring the Fascinating Practices and Beliefs of the People"

1 year ago

Shrine Mountain Emperor is a deity in Chinese folk beliefs, and is said to have been a general during the Tang Dynasty. In the story, Shrine Mountain Emperor is revered as a deity who protects people and can bless them with peace, health and happiness. According to the legend, once the area suffered from a severe drought, people prayed to the gods for blessings. Hearing the prayers of the people, the Shrine Mountain Emperor decided to come down to earth to help them. He came to a village and found that a well there had dried up. The Shrine Mountain Emperor decided to use his power to make the well water flow again. He jumped hard on the wellhead and the water gushed out. When people saw this scene, they knelt down and thanked the gods for their gift. Since then, people have become more devout in their faith in the Shrine Mountain Emperor and hold a grand ritual every year to express their reverence and gratitude to the deity.

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