Knowledge is Profit (Débora G. Barbosa) - Capítulos III e IV

1 year ago

Este vídeo é uma apresentação dos capítulos 3 e 4 do livro "Knowledge is Profit: The Role of Intelligence and Espionage in Business", escrito por Débora Gomes Barbosa.
Em português, o título do livro quer dizer: "Conhecimento é lucro: O papel da inteligência e espionagem nos negócios".

Lista de referências que a autora cita nos capítulos 3 e 4 do livro:

Capítulo 3 (2016). The Five Eyes / Privacy International. [online].

Map Chart. (2018). World - Simple - MapChart. [online]

Financial Times. (2013). Intelligence: The all-seeing eyes. [online]

Jeffreys-Jones, R. (2017). We know all about you. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Solon, O. and Siddiqui, S. (2017). Forget Wall Street – Silicon Valley is the new political power in Washington. [online] The Guardian.

McCallion, J. (2013). New EU rules on industrial espionage issued. [online] IT PRO.

Woodie, A. (2017). Is Your Smartphone Spying On You?. [online] Datanami.

Tudge, R. (2011). The no-nonsense guide to global surveillance. Toronto: New Internationalist.

Corera, G. (2015). The new Cold War: how Russia and China are hacking British companies and spying on their employees. [online]

Eduardo Baptista, T. (2016). The Brazil+China Challenge: Pushing Development Toward the Frontiers of Innovation. [online]

Huang, Z. (2017). The term coined by a Goldman Sachs economist is now inadequate for Xi Jinping's global ambitions. [online] Quartz.

Nick Duffy, P. (2018). Fears that Chinese government 'can spy on your Gindr profile' after $400 million buyout. [online] PinkNews.

Lin, L. and Chin, J. (2017). China's Tech Giants Have a Second Job: Helping Beijing Spy on Its People. [online] Wall Street Journal.

Munoz, A. (2015). Chinese Industrial Espionage: Technology Acquisition and Military Modernization. 2nd ed.

Bunker, T. (2017). Rick Perry: Russian, Chinese Corporate Espionage 'Shouldn't Surprise Anybody'. [online] Newsmax.

Financial Times. (2011). Industrial espionage: Data out of the door. [online]

BBC News. (2014). How the US spy scandal unravelled. [online]

The Verge. (2017). Everything you need to know about PRISM. [online]

Peretti, J. (2017). Palantir: the 'special ops' tech giant that wields as much real-world power as Google. [online] The Guardian.

Biddle, S. (2017). How Peter Thiel's Palantir Helped the NSA Spy on the Whole World. [online] The Intercept.

Capítulo 4

Duell, M. (2015). Female munitions workers building shells in armaments factory in WWI. [online] Daily Mail

Encyclopedia Britannica. (2017). Industrial Revolution / Definition, Facts & Summary. [online]

The Economist. (2012). The third industrial revolution. [online] Available at: [Acessed 5 Feb. 2018].

The Verge. (2017). Automation threatens 800 million jobs, but technology could still save us, says report. [online]

Wilkinson, M. (2015). New trade union movement founded by Conservatives. [online]

Fraser, W. (2008). A History of British Trade Unionism, 1707-1918. London: Pickering & Chatto.

Jeffreys-Jones, R. (2017). We know all about you. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Evans, R. (2017). Union officials face allegations of collusion over blacklisted workers. [online] The Guardian.

Bort, J. (2018). Google managers kept blacklists of conservative employees and one manager considered holding 'trials,' a new lawsuit alleges. [online] Business Insider.

Socialist Worker (Britain). (2013). Photos of blacklisting day of action on 20 November 2013. [online]

Link de uma matéria de 22 de janeiro de 2021 a respeito de coleta e compartilhamento de dados por uma das redes sociais mais famosas:

Links de imagens que utilizei no meu vídeo e que não foram produzidas por mim:

Imagem de Gerd Altmann (via Pixabay)

Watching Eye

Sol da meia-noite, Bell Sound, Noruega
Fotografia feita entre cerca de 1890 e 1900
Detroit Publishing Co. Autor desconhecido

Fotografia de George Orwell em seu crachá de jornalista
1933, Branch of the National Union of Journalists (BNUJ)

#KnowledgeisProfit #DéboraGomesBarbosa #espionagemcorporativa #espionagemnosetorprivado #inteligência #espionagem #dados #coletadedados #coletadeinformação #RevoluçãoIndustrial #sindicatosdetrabalho #listanegra #históriadalistanegra #exemplosdepráticadelistanegra

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