Fear Brings Destruction | 4.23.23 | Sunday AM | On Fire Christian Church

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Fear Brings Destruction

“For the thing I greatly feared has come upon me, And what I dreaded has happened to me.”. Job‬ ‭3‬:‭25‬ ‭NKJV‬‬‬‬‬
Let’s find out about Job

Shunned evil -Job 1:1

Great possessions vs 2
God bragged on Job

“Then the Lord said to Satan, “Have you considered My servant Job, that there is none like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, one who fears God and shuns evil?” Job‬ ‭1‬:‭8‬ ‭NKJV‬‬‬‬‬

So God was bragging on Jobs convictions yet it seems Job had fear while living in the blessing!

Job said the thing that I feared has come upon me

So Job must have lived with the dread of losing this blessedness

Faith and trust in God is not only to be exercised for gaining ground but also maintaining ground.
The same God that got you there is the same God that will keep you there

Philippians 1:6 He that began a good work is faithful to complete it

Fear consumed Job so that he couldn’t fully enjoy the blessing
No doubt either demonically inspired to fear or Job's lack of trust opened the door for unbelief

Fear is lack of trusting God and then self trust will take over and always let us down

The fear Job had created the problem. Just as faith attracts the promise fear attracts what it’s focus is

Our words will most like communicate whether faith or fear is in operation

Proverbs 23:7. As one thinks in his heart so is he

Proverbs 18:21 life and death are in the power of the tongue
Is it possible Job was living in fear and communicating with his mouth those fears to where he would say, “and what I dreaded has happened to me”?
Believing destroys fear! Fear attacks Gods integrity
Isaiah 7:1

Vs 4. Take heed and be quiet and do not fear

Vs 9 if you will not believe surely you shall not be established

‘If ye will not believe the words of the prophet, ye shall not remain.’ It is probable that Ahaz, who was greatly alarmed, and who trembled at the formidable power of Syria and Israel united, received the annunciation of the prophet with much distrust. He was anxious about the means of defense, but did not trust in the promise of God by the prophet. Isaiah, therefore, assures him, that if he did not believe him; if he did not put confidence in God, and his promises, he should not be protected from Syria and Ephraim. They would come and destroy his kingdom. 'You have no occasion,' is the language of the prophet, 'to fear. God has resolved to protect you, and no portion of your land shall be taken by your enemies. Nevertheless, in order that you may obtain deliverance, you must believe his promise, and put your confidence in him, and not in the aid of the Assyrians. If you do this, your mind shall be calm, peaceful, and happy. But if you do “not” do this; if you rely on the aid of Assyria, you shall be troubled, alarmed, unsuccessful, and bring ruin upon yourself and nation.' This, therefore, is an exhortation to confide solely in the promises of God, and is one of the instances constantly occurring in the Old Testament and the New, showing, that by faith or confidence in God only, can the mind he preserved calm when in the midst of dangers.

Faith in God and His promises

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