SLOBODNI podcast #9 Andrew Bridgen UK parlamentarac-šokantno izvješće o cjepljenju protiv C19

1 year ago

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Pralamentarac Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva Andrew Bridgen prvi je iznio službene podatke o efikasnosti i sigurnosti cjepiva protiv C19.
Štete znatno nadmašuju koristi u svim skupinama, a za najranjivije šteta je jednaka koristi.
Nitko o tome ne želi javno govoriti a kako bi sam gospodin Bridgen rekao "pitanja se ne postavljaju onda kada se odgovor zna".
Razgovor kao i samo izlaganje gospodina Bridgena u Norveškoj na konferenciji SPOTLIGHT te čuveni govor u UK parlamentu možete pogledati u još jednoj epizodi SLOBODNI podcast.
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UK MP Andrew Bridgen was the first to present official data on the efficacy and safety of the C19 vaccine.
Harms significantly outweigh benefits in all groups, and for the most vulnerable, the harms equal the benefits.
No one wants to talk about it publicly, and as Mr. Bridgen himself would say, "questions are not asked when the answer is known".
You can watch the interview as well as Mr. Bridgen's presentation in Norway at the SPOTLIGHT conference and the famous speech in the UK Parliament in another episode of the FREE podcast.
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