Border Workers "Re-deployed" For Not Taking the Jab That Doesn't Stop Transmission

1 year ago

The utterly absurd, and I would also say unlawful 'No Jab, no job' mandates. On 3 February 2021, Medsafe Group Manager Chris James was asked if there was any evidence that the covid shot reduced transmission. He replied that there wasn't. 5 weeks later, on 9 March, Chris Hipkins announced that border workers who chose not to get the 'vaccine' would be 're-deployed elsewhere', because it was deemed that they could be putting other people's health at risk by not getting jabbed. Even though the 'vaccine' didn't stop transmission. Border workers were some of the first Kiwis to lose their jobs in 2021, but more people, from a range of other occupations, would also find themselves out of work by the end of the year as a result of the mandates. Those who implemented 'No jab, no job' mandates must be held accountable.

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