Queen Ma'at Girl VS. Black America: Police State Ok When The Tyrants Are Black?

1 year ago

Join us on the front lines of black central command in the on going information war for a much needed debate. As the radical left has used bait and switch going from white supremacists to black supremacists to spearhead all of their diabolical globalist plans, many fail to see that black faces put in charge of old time white globalist schemes does not lesson the deadly end game one bit!

where once black Americans where outraged with police brutality, and a out of control prison planet/police state, they are now ok with this tyrannical new world order dystopia as long as the tyrants running it are black! Michael Byrd the D.C capital police officer who shot and killed Ashly Babbit is a murder, or at least he would have been if he were white! If you disagree with me, and you believe that Michael Byrd is a hero as he has been dubbed by the fake news MSM, and radical left I am calling you out to a debate! Bring nothing but the facts to the scholastic showdown. To the winner of this prestigious debate goes a cash app award beginning at $100 and up. Are you up for the challenge?

#QueenMaatGirlTv #MichaelByrd #AshleyBabbit #PoliceState #Murder

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