Bar Pirates - Monopoly on Law and Commerce (Open Panel)

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Showing concrete evidence of the original 13th amendment forbidding those with titles of nobility (i.e., Esquire) from United States Citizenship or holding any office of trust or profit. For obvious reasons the Bar has tried desperately to eradicate any evidence of ratification as they now have monopolized our systems of law and commerce. We will discuss the illegitimacy of Income tax, why it does not apply to living people, and how the Bar pirates create a loophole for such a tax on your personal property through emergency war powers. We will also present evidence of our original constitutional law being common law and how commercial law is piracy. Joining me tonight will be SSUM369, my frequent co-host. As usual remember, all Bar members are treasonous scumbags pillaging the estates of you and your loved ones through legalized inland piracy. Join us to find out how to prove it using authoritative documents.

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