Is the "Green Movement" deceiving us? The Planet of the Humans

1 year ago

Have you noticed there is big push for you to install solar panels and or Tesla battery for your home or buy an Electric car? Even to the point that the government will give you big tax incentives if you do. Why is that? Do you really think this will help our environment or lower your energy costs? Have we been deceived?

When Planet of the Humans first came out, it caused a lot of controversy and received mixed reviews. Some climatologists, environmentalists, and supporters of renewable energy attacked it as being inaccurate and out of date. The movie's creators have defended it against all criticism. Planet of the Humans was taken down from YouTube on May 25, 2020. See it here now. You can now find out the real truth about Green Energy, Renewable Energy and the Eco-Corporate Fascist movement.

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