League of Legends - Daily ARAM - Karma

1 year ago

Jinx, Thresh, Yasuo, Zed, and Taliyah vs Soraka, Sion, Karma, Shaco, and Yone

0:00 Start
Looked like it was going to be close match.

0:30 First Blood Fight and First Death
Sion just got his Q knockup on Thresh and walked in after that to die. They had much more damage than us during early game.

3:50 AD Thresh
Thresh was doing a lot of damage on his autos and confirmed that he was going AD. They needed a tank so we win for sure if he keeps building this.

8:35 First T1 Tower Destroyed - Blue
Dove Tower then took the tower.

13:38 T1 Tower Destroyed - Red
20:20 T2 Tower and Inhibitor Destroyed - Red
Charged in there and took some champs first before I died under Tower.

20:35 T2 Tower and Inhibitor Destroyed - Blue
Forced it down while tanking tower shots.

22:38 Nexus Towers Destroyed

Yone and Sion did some work here. Often enough rolling over them since they have no tank.

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