The State of the Uniparty State

1 year ago

Royce White has a deep understanding of the Technocratic slave state that the thirteen [central banking] families have been building for us to live in for the past 100 plus years. A former NBA basketball player who was railroaded out of the league because he fearlessly stood his ground against the corrupt and superficial people who run that organization, Royce now focuses his efforts on educating the American people about the scope and nature of their own political, cultural, and economic enslavement.
Now a talented podcaster, Royce has become a rising star within the Freedom Movement. You would be wise to listen to what he has to say. When you do, it will be time well spent. I guarantee. He always edifies. You'll not only love his voice and style of delivery, but you'll also be amazed at how well-informed and and well-studied he is on a wide variety of topics.
While Royce covers the whole spectrum of what's going on in our country right now, the primary theme of this episode is Biden's recent State of the Union Address to the nation, and what that dog and pony show really represents. I found his learned analysis "spot on," and therefore, worth sharing. It's remarkable how the man draws out the deepest issues underlying a topic, so you can look at those issues in ways you might not otherwise be able to.

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