The Names & The Mark

1 year ago

This documentary we cover the mark and the manipulation of the genetics through the eyes of King David via The Messiah in The Book of Psalms. Everything we need to know or understand concerning the birth pains and The Great Tribulation is told in unbelievable detail but we have to be willing to allow Yahweh to be our teacher. We pray this video blesses you and your family and that Yahweh would open blind eyes and deaf ears. This video was something we felt needed to be released before we pick back up with the Genesis series because of the nature of the content as all the topics involved are salvational issues that the believer cannot afford to be wrong about. Remember if it doesn't align with Yahweh's prophets then something is wrong with the theology. If I can't find the answers to the current climate and state of events then I throw it out of sight and mind. We don't like going by assumptions or opinions but The Spirit alone. We have over 320+ hours of content coming here on Youtube covering difficult topics as quickly as we can get them fully completed. If you want to help support what we're doing with Yahweh's ministry through media projects like these we will place links at the bottom and we want to thank everyone who's been a part in helping us build on multiple platforms. You all have been a huge blessing and we pray that Yahweh blesses you and yours and keeps you in The Way.

Yah Bless and enjoy the show!


Eternal Media Production Project Fund:

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