1 year ago

FROM THE ARCHIVES- A very important SHOW from OCTOBER 24, 2022. <<< SIX MONTHS AGO
Juan was giving you details on this show that was the the PLAY LIST of NAZI HOAX. This is about to go HOT and our troops are in this "Theater of War". Juan stated recently this time frame of October was typically when the Deep State pulls its moves. (Blood ritual days)
We now KNOW WHO are those Players involved in the Ukraine. The TRUTH is that this WAR in the UKRAINE has to do with the Deep State covering for the CRIMES that they have created. And convincing NATO that they should be a part of a multi NATIONAL WAR. That is exactly the OPPOSITE to ANYONE'S Common Sense about the REGION, The ISSUES and WHY we are WHERE we are NOW.
This DEEP STATE CHAOS is on several fronts and they don't exactly CONTROL ANYTHING. THIS IS A Spiritual Battle AGAINST SATAN and those that have "BENEFITED" from the CONFLICT $$$.
President Trump is the Commander in Chief and is strategically controlling this BATTLE to draw out those that for 1000 years have worked to take Western Civilization DOWN.
Christianity and Christians.. are the target as seen in this dynamic. GOD vs SATAN.
Many of the "Players" are actors as the list on the Title Page shows and many are now dead but replaced by "Doubles". Have the Tribunals Started? Yes says Juan "in a few places". Are we going to be finished SOON? The timeline is unknown. But in the next SIX MONTHS we get to another marker OCTOBER 2023 and another SIX MONTHS you can count on this beginning to make sense.
Watch the Water Gen. Charles A. Flynn, head of the U.S. Army Pacific, said the nation's land force provides two distinct values in a maritime region: supporting allies and partners, and providing enabling capabilities to the Joint Force including sustainment and logistics IN THE PACIFIC THEATER. (Gen. Michael Flynn's brother) To the ATLANTIC SIDE Look to our ALLIES (Russia) to engage our Enemies in the EU the Brits by Sea and to once and for all extract British Control from the USA. The Second American Revolution. And the rebuilding of the Ukraine for the Ukrainian Christians and Russian Orthodox that live there.
And just yesterday 4 21 2023 .. A P-8 SubHunter Aircraft was in the Baltic Sea looking for something near Kaliningrad not far from Nuke facilities that is storage for the POSEIDON class Submarines. This Sub is the biggest unmanned Submarine ever built. And the most efficient at launching Nuke Missiles as far away as the Eastern Seaboard. China is now and has been off the West Coast of the USA and also has Troops in British Columbia. This is WAR FOOTING. Our Troops are staged just like JUAN says here in Poland at the Forward operating BASE for US Troops at the Border of Ukraine. And as for the Ukrainian Forces which are Actually ASAMOV troops (Russian President Vladimir Putin referenced the presence of such units within the Ukrainian military as one of the reasons for launching his “special military operation … to de-militarise and de-Nazify Ukraine”) known as NAZIS or the left over Khazarians "FAKE JEWS" see this presentation here: https://rumble.com/v2fewzo-the-rise-and-fall-of-the-khazars-history-part-one-good-lion-films.html
You need to KNOW these FACTS. And tell them to your Neighbors.

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