How to detect all internet connections to you computer with PowerShell

1 year ago

Everybody today is concerned about computer security.
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This subject pops up in casual conversation more and more. For example, whenever people are behind their computers, they ask themself a question is somebody else uninvitedly connected to my computer?

But, of course, when you work inside a secure network, many tools perform intrusion detection and can answer this question, but what if you are at home? You have no monitoring tools; should you just give up and be at the mercy of cyber criminals? There is still you can do. In this short post, I will show you how to monitor your PC’s internet connections and check if they are legit. I’m providing a simple PowerShell script that will help you to identify whom your computer is talking to.

Advanced users can achieve the same result more elegantly (in my opinion PowerShell is a bit too chatty) by using modern programming languages like Python or, for example, C#. Still, they require a run-time installed on your computer. At the same time, everything you need to run PowerShell scripts is coming right out of the box.

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