Ben Shapiro Talks Trans Surgery For YOUR Children | Psalm 34:21

1 year ago

Psalm 34:21
Affliction will slay the wicked, and those who hate the righteous will be condemned

Thoughts on Today's Verse...
God has promised a closing time, a reckoning where human power and influence cannot buy out the truth and where each person will have to face up to what he or she has done. Evil will overtake those who have been partners with evil. Those that hate good people, righteous people, will be condemned in their own hate. God's righteousness, truth, and justice will not be short-circuited!

My Prayer...
Father, thank you for making clean and whole by the purifying work of your Holy Spirit. Teach me to be righteous. Help me develop a revulsion for what is sinful and evil. Use me to help someone caught in the evil one's work to find deliverance. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

The fact that we are even having discussions about mutilating our children because we are so weak as parents, is absolutely shameful and abhorrent to say the least. At what point did we allow others to dictate to us how our children would be raised? When did we become afraid (unfoundedly) of the workers of iniquity in this world? To allow them to navigate the upbringing of our children, is to allow The Devil himself to pull our children away from the almighty. If we allow that to happen, we deserve every bit of judgement that we get from the most High.

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