Stele Commeantis Est Magnus Tech Fustuarium: Aseer The Duke of Tiers

1 year ago

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Aseer The Duke of Tiers
Stele Commeantis Est Magnus Tech Fustuarium
translates to
The Stele of Revealing is a big tech cudgel

The Stele of Ankh-ef-en-Khonsu (also known as the Stele of Revealing) is
a painted, wooden offering stele located in Cairo, Egypt. It was discovered
in 1858 by François Auguste Ferdinand Mariette at the mortuary temple of
the 18th Dynasty Pharaoh Hatshepsut, located at Dayr al-Bahri.
It was originally made for the Montu-priest Ankh-ef-en-Khonsu and was discovered near his coffin ensemble of two sarcophagi and two anthropomorphic inner coffins. It dates to circa 680–70 BCE, the period of the late 25th Dynasty/early 26th Dynasty. The designation of this object as the Stele of Revealing was given in April 1904 by the occultist Aleister Crowley, in connection with his Book of the Law. According to Crowley, the stela depicts the three chief deities of Thelema: Nuit (Egyptian Nut), Hadit (Egyptian Behdety), and Ra-Hoor-Khuit (Egyptian Re-Harakhty ["Re-Horus
of the Two Horizons. The Stele was originally marked with inventory tag number 666 at the Bulaq Museum. According to the Beast Crowley, his wife Rose had already reported a revelation from
the god Horus, through the messenger Aiwass (AIOS). Depicted in The Stele as a Priest in Leopard skin is treatise deals with the trans-configuration of Demons into DAEMONS. How the tech industry is using fallen Nephilim which is masquerading as AI. Crowley was a practitioner of 'The Qlippoth'. (Which some call Dark Moorish Science) still practiced by freemasons, Satanists, and magicians.

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