20230422-So the Govt Workers Are on Strike (Polite Version)

1 year ago

So, it's Armageddon, meltdown, the end of days for Canada. How will we survive now that the Canadian federal government workers are on strike?

The poor underworked, overpaid dears, with golden pensions, and platinum benefits are upset that their guaranteed raises for the next 3 years are going to slip a bit behind inflation.

Of course, those of us who have real jobs, actually producing real stuff have no guarantee of raises, much less employment, for the next three years, but government "workers" are special.

They get to hold up your tax returns, and bring you the pain. With no fear of pain for themselves, of course, I mean "safe as a government job" is an expression for a reason.

I wonder how their efforts to embarrass Dumb and Dumber, Blackfaced Hitler Trudeau are going to work out. After all, the last time he was embarrassed, he invoked martial law.

I recorded two videos about the strike. This is the politer version.

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