part 1. *INSTITUTIONS: Society/Sociology - The 12 Universal Institutions Of Humanity.

1 year ago

Share video. Subscribe. There are 12 Universal Institutions of Humanity. : Art, Economics, Education, Family, Law, Medical, Mass Media, Politics, Poverty, Religion, Science and Spiritual. These institutions cover the 100% totality of all that humans do, maintain and are about. They are all immense and massive in their own right. The most important of all institutions is: FAMILY. Then Spiritual, etc. From this all that humans are doing in their confusions and contradictions and ignorance is clearly comprehended. The human-race is composed of about 4 - 4 1/2 billion humans. NOT 6, 7 or 8 billion. These numbers are simply making-up numbers. Human concentrate in cities and towns. Large and small. Making this much easier to count. There are between 4 - 4 1/2 billion humans.

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