Pt. 2 Jessica Spackman : What is "Plan C" to the Ab0-rtion Pill? Latter Day Saints for Life

1 year ago

Part2 - What is "Plan C" to the Ab0-rtion Pill, with Jessica Spackman at SOL. Listen to stories from a nurse on the front lines with kids, and even married couples who want and need counsel, and to have important conversations about the challenges they face.

LDS for Life - The MISSION
Latter-day Saints for Life is a worldwide coalition of members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints protecting pre-born babies and promoting a pro-life culture in our Church and our communities, in support of and alignment with the doctrinal position of The Church.
A group of 4 friends met up one October night in 2022 to finally do something about a problem they saw. All with experience volunteering in the pro-life world, each of us saw a big void we needed to fill: Where were the members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints? Abortion is the biggest human rights issue of our lives. It was time we stepped up.

Now 350 members strong across 4 countries, and growing rapidly, we are changing the culture amongst Church members and showing the world that we do love our preborn brothers and sisters.

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