DISTRESSING CONTENT: Not all 'Animal Rescuers' are the same!

1 year ago

ASPCG American Society for Prevention of Confidence Games

It's a cold day, or maybe it's a hot day. And these animals are stranded and hungry. The suffering of these animals is almost unbelievable, but there's so much more here. Dogs and cats cannot be without hope, because they are incapable of hope, a purely human emotion. When we tell you that you can donate now and save a life today, we're talking about the life of an animal, a lower life form never to be placed at parity with people.

We need to rescue these animals and give them food and medicine. We need to clean them up and put them in animal shelters for people to buy. One cannot 'adopt' an animal. Adoption is for humans after all. Of course the cost of 'adoption' is so high it dooms most of these animals to the '5-day-final solution'. This means that if nobody buys them within 5 days or so they will be killed [put down].

Often using a chemical cocktail laced with cleaning agents to keep costs down, these animals are injected and left to die a slow and extremely painful death. The last thing they will experience is defecation, pain, confusion, and the sight of other dogs and cats suffering the same fate.

Yes, your donations can help pay for the pickup, cleanup, medication, and slaughter of these animals. Although you donate hundreds of dollars to help save these animals you are being lied to by some, because their programs are designed to kill, not place, these animals.

Kill them with kindness. Only you can help to rescue and then kill these animals. Only you can give just $19 a month to pay for the poisons needed to 'off' these animals. It's time to kill them with kindness. Donate now.

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